
Common Vaping Mistakes That Beginners Make

Vaping has become a worldwide phenomenon over the past few years. It is a way to enjoy the benefits of smoking cigarettes without the harmful side effects. There are so many people who have switched from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes that it is hard to recognize cigarette smokers in public or when you go from place to place.

Tobacco cigarette smoke has been proven to cause cancer and other serious health problems and vaping is the best alternative that you can use if you want to enjoy smoking like millions of people around the world.

Vaping has taken over many of the traditional tobacco shops and even some of the gas stations and convenience stores have started selling these products since they are gaining popularity more and more every day.

Vaping is a unique hobby, but it’s not without its pitfalls. There are plenty of mistakes that newer vapers make, and these mistakes can be costly for both money and e-liquid. The following vaping mistakes are some of the most common that beginners make, and knowing about them will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. For more information you can check IQOS HEETS and SMOK UK.

Bad Coil Build

The most common mistake that beginners make is building a coil that is unflavorful or burns the cotton or wick too hot. This mistake is easy to avoid by reading reviews, watching videos, or talking to other vapers about what builds they prefer.

6 Most Common Vaping Mistakes to Avoid for Beginners

Not Carrying Enough Juice

A common misconception is that vaping allows for higher nicotine levels than smoking. However, this isn’t true. Nicotine levels in e-juice rarely exceed 6MG. This means you’ll need several bottles of juice to make it through the day if you’re transitioning from smoking.

Buying Too Much

The biggest mistake that beginner vapers make is buying too much too fast. When you’re just starting out, the last thing you want to do is spend hundreds of dollars on something you might not like. It’s better to take your time and work your way up to more advanced vaping techniques and hardware.

If you love the idea of having a box mod and tank with you everywhere you go, don’t buy them both at once. Buy one and try it out for a few weeks before moving on to more advanced mods or tanks. You’ll save money by buying less, but more importantly, you’ll save yourself the trouble of making an expensive mistake.